"Lightning Over New York City" photography by Christopher Imperato. All book series, movies, and images are owned by their authors, creators, publishers & production companies. No copyright infringement intended of any and all source material. No profits were made from this site.
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February 20 - March 20
A Pisces is typically imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, kind, selfless and generous. Pisces
is a water sign and they are calm, patient and flow with the current without trying to fight it.
They are docile and malleable by nature.
They are accepting of other people and of the situations they find themselves in and would
rather wait for a problem to sort itself out than go to the trouble of fixing it. They lack the
initiative and drive to affect change or lead others.
Their inventiveness may even lead to the creation dream worlds to
escape to when problems get too tough or they seek the recognition
of their gifts that more ostentatious characters might be stealing from
them in real life.
Usually popular with many groups and different temperaments, in
equal parts because of their easy-going, non-worrying natures and
also because they are generally submissive and pose no threat or challenge to more dominant or
argumentative personalities.
Pisceans are not aggressors they are the sympathetic ears, easily getting involved in the drama
of other people’s lives or problems. They can become more concerned with other than they are
about themselves, but their kindness and compassion for others is genuine.
Pisceans’ creative natures may take on a mystical, otherworldly quality, citing among their
many gifts mediumistic qualities. Sensitive to others and the world around them, they can
sometimes exist on a more emotional level than a practical, rational level.
They can be weak-willed, tractable, secretive, vague and often use their dream worlds to flee
from the world they do not have the energy or motivation to fight against. Pisceans, because of
their flowing natures, can be versatile, observant and receptive to new ideas, customs and
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