Divination: Star Sign Overview
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Extrapolated from our Introduction to Astrology section, our real life Trelawney, Kim
Rogers-Gallagher, also wrote brief descriptions of the individual star signs and the influence the
Moon has on each of them.
This is just an overview of each sign and does not go into specific detail.
Aries: Masculine, Cardinal, Fire
Aries is ruled by Mars and is cardinal fire – red hot, impulsive and ready to go. Aries planets
are not known for their patience, and they ignore obstacles, choosing instead to focus on the
shortest distance between where they are and where they want to be.
Planets in Aries are brave, impetuous, and direct. Aries planets are often very good at initiating
projects. They are not, however, as eager to finish, so they will leave projects undone.
Aries planets need physical outlets for their considerable Mars-powered energy– otherwise
their need for action can turn to stress. Exercise, hard work, and competition are food for Aries
The Moon’s Influence:
The Moon in Aries is bold, impulsive and energetic. It’s a period when we feel feisty and
maybe a little argumentative. This is when even the meekest aren’t afraid to take a stand to
protect personal feelings.
Since Aries is the first sign, it’s a natural starting point for all kinds of projects, and it’s also a
wonderful time to channel all that “me first” energy to initiate change and new beginnings. Just
watch out for a tendency to be too impulsive and stress oriented.
Taurus: Feminine, Fixed, Earth
Taurus, the fixed earth sign, has endless patience that turns your Taurus planet into a solid force
to be reckoned with. Taurus folks never, ever quit. Their reputation for stubbornness is earned.
They’re responsible, reliable, honest as they come, practical and endowed with a stick-to-it
attitude other planets envy. They’re not afraid to work hard.
Since Taurus is ruled by Venus, it’s not surprising to find that these people are sensual and
luxury-loving, too. They love to be spoiled with the best – good food, fine wine, or even a
Renior painting. They need peace and quiet like no other, and don’t like their schedules to be
disrupted. However, they may need a reminder that comfortable habits can become ruts.
The Moon’s Influence:
The Moon in Taurus is the Lady at her most solid and sensual, feeling secure and well rooted.
There’s no need to stress of hurry – and definitely no need to change anything.
We tend to resist change when the moon is in this sign, especially change that’s not of our own
making. We’d rather sit still, have a wonderful dinner, and listen to good music. Appreciating
the beauty of the Earth, watching a sunset, viewing some good art or taking care of money and
other resources are Taurus Moon activities.
Gemini: Masculine, Mutable, Air
This sign is famous for its duality and love of new experiences, as well as for its role as
communicator. Gemini is mutable air, which translates into changing your mind, so expect your
Gemini planet to be entertaining and versatile.
This sign knows a little bit about everything. Gemini planets usually display at least two
distinct sides to their personalities, are changeable, even fickle at times, and wonderfully
This sign is ruled by Mercury, so if what you’re doing involves talking, writing, gesturing, or
working with eye-hand coordination, your Gemini planet will love it. Mercury also rules short
trips, so any planet in Gemini is an expert at how to make its way around the neighborhood in
record time.
The Moon’s Influence:
This mutable air sign moves around so quickly that when the Moon is here we’re a bit more
restless than usual. We suddenly feel in the mood for conversation, puzzles, riddles and word
We want two – at least two – of everything. Now is a great time for letter writing, phone calls or
short trips. It’s when you’ll find the best shortcuts and when you’ll need to take them, too.
Watch for a tendency to become a bit scattered under this fun, fickle Moon.
Cancer: Feminine, Cardinal and Water
Cancer is cardinal water, so it’s good at beginning things, like emotions and families. It’s also
the most privacy-oriented sign. Cancer types are emotionally vulnerable, sensitive and easily
hurt. They need safe “nests” to return to when the world gets to be too much.
Cancer types say “I love you” by tending to your need for food, warmth, or a place to sleep.
The problem is that they can become needy, dependent, or unable to function unless they feel
someone or something needs them. Cancer rules the home and family. It’s also in charge of
emotions, so expect Cancers to operate “from the gut” most of the time.
The Moon’s Influence:
The Moon in this cardinal water sign is at her most nurturing, and her concerns turn to home,
family, children and mothers, expressing our emotions, and being sympathetic and
understanding to others. We often find ourselves in the mood to take care of someone, to cook
for or cuddle our dear ones. During this time, feelings run high, so it’s important to watch out
for becoming oversensitive, dependant or needy. In all, now is a great time to putter around the
house, have family over and tend to domestic concerns.
Leo: Masculine, Fixed, Fire
Leo is fixed fire, and above all else he represents pride and ego. Sun-ruled Leo wants to shine
and be noticed. Natural performers, people in this sign are into drama, and attract attention
even when they don’t necessarily want it.
Occasionally, your Leo friend may be touchy and “high maintenance.” Still, they are generous
to a fault. Leo appreciates attention and praise with lavish compliments, lovely gifts, and
creative outings designed to amaze and delight. Leo’s specialties are having fun, entertaining,
and making big entrances and exits.
The Moon’s Influence:
When the Moon is in Leo, it’s time for Drama, with a capital D. This theatrical sign has long
been known for its big entrances, love of display, and need for attention. When the Moon is in
this sign, we’re all feeling a need to be recognized, applauded, and appreciated.
Now, all that excitement, pride and emotion can turn into melodrama in the blink of an eye, so it’
s best to be careful of overreacting or being excessively vain during this period. It’s a great time
to take in a show (or star in one), be romantic, or express your feelings for someone in regal style.
Virgo: Feminine, Mutable, Earth
Virgo is called “picky” and “critical,” but there is another side to Virgo. More than anything,
your Virgo planet delights in helping, and since it’s a mutable earth sign, it’s willing to adapt to
any task.
Although it’s true that Virgo is born with an automatic fault-finder, it’s Mercury-ruled like
Gemini, and it’s the sign with the keenest eye of all the details. Your Virgo planet is good at
details and fixing things – a troubleshooter extraordinaire.
This sign needs to exercise discrimination because that’s its job – to analyze, critique, and
suggest remedies to potential problems. This sign is also wonderful at lists, agendas, and
schedules. Keep your Virgo planet happy by keeping it busy.
The Moon’s Influence:
Here is the Moon at her most discriminating. This is the most detail-oriented sign out there, the
sign most concerned with fixing, fussing, and tending to. This Moon sign puts us in the mood
to clean, scour, sort, troubleshoot, and help.
Virgo is the most helpful of all the signs, ready to take up a broom, mop, or gardening tool and
offer her assistance. Now is when we’re more health conscious, work oriented and duty bound,
too, so this is a great period during which to pay attention to our diet, hygiene and daily
Libra: Masculine, Cardinal, Air
Libra is the sign that’s affiliated with balance and harmony. Both balance and harmony require
all parts of an entity to give and take equality. No easy task. But no sign is more charming and
social, or more able to coax the same qualities out of another.
Libra is cardinal air, so it wants to start something that’s intellectual in nature, like a
conversation. Venus-ruled Libra planets are experts at behavior that is pleasing to others, so
they specialize in manners, courtesy, and small talk.
They don’t want to be alone, and because they’re gifted with the ability to pacify, they may sell
out their own needs or the truth to buy peace and companionship. Their real work is to see both
sides of a situation, weigh the options, and keep their inner balance by remaining honest.
The Moon’s Influence:
The Moon is most oriented toward relationships and partnerships when she is in Libra. Since
Libra’s job is to restore balance, however, you may find yourself in situations of emotional
imbalance that require a delicate tap of the scales to set them right.
In general, this is a social, polite, and friendly time, when others will be cooperative and agree
more easily to compromise. A Libra Moon prompts us to make our surroundings beautiful, or
to put ourselves in situations where beauty is all around us. This is a great time to decorate,
shop for the home, or visit places of elegant beauty.
Scorpio: Feminine, Fixed, Water
Planets in this sign are detectives, excelling at the art of strategy. Your Scorpio planets sift
through every situation for subtle clues, then they analyze clues to determine what’s really
going on.
They’re also gifted at sending subtle signals back to the environment, and at imperceptibly
altering a situation by manipulating it with the right word or movement.
Scorpio planets are constantly searching for intimacy. They seek intensity and may be crisis-
oriented. They can be relentless, obsessive, and jealous. Remember, this is fixed water. Scorpio
feels things deeply and forever. Give your Scorpio planets the opportunity to fire-walk, to
experience life-and-death situations.
The Moon’s Influence:
Scorpio is the most intense sign, and when the Moon is here she feels everything to the “nth”
degree – and needless to say, we do, too.
Passion, joy, jealously, betrayal, love and desire can take center stage in our lives now, as our
emotions deepen to the point of possible obsession. Be careful of a tendency to become
secretive, suspicious, or to brood over an offense that was not intended.
Now is a great time to investigate a mystery, do research, “dig” – both figuratively and literally
– and allow ourselves to become close to someone else.
Sagittarius: Masculine, Mutable, Fire
The enthusiasm of this mutable fire sign, ruled by Jupiter, spreads like a brush fire. These
planets tend to never feel satisfied or content, and to always wonder if there’s something even
more wonderful over the next mountain.
Your Sagittarius planets are bored by routine; they’re freedom-oriented, generous, and
optimistic to a fault. They can be excessive and overindulgent. They adore foreign places and
foreign people, and outdoor activities, and learn by first having the big picture explained.
They’re only too happy to preach, advertise, and philosophize. Sagittarius planets can be quite
prophetic, and they absolutely believe in the power of laughter – embarrassing themselves at
times to make someone laugh.
The Moon’s Influence:
Here is the Moon at her most optimistic. Now is a time when we’ll be more likely to shrug
things off, let them go, and laugh about them.
Of course, Jupiter is also the planet of long-distance travel and education of the higher mind,
making this a great time to take off for a two-day adventure or take a seminar on a topic you’ve
always been interested in – say, philosophy or religion. This is the sign with the gift of
prophesy, and a love for collecting knowledge, experiences, and wisdom.
When the Moon is in this sign, spend time outdoors, be spontaneous and laugh much too
loudly; just watch for a tendency toward excess, waste, and overdoing.
Capricorn: Feminine, Cardinal, Earth
Capricorn planets, ruled by Saturn, have a tendency to build things, erecting structures and
creating a career for you. They will start up an organization and turn it into the family business.
These planets automatically know how to run “It,” no matter what “It” is. They’re authority
figures. They exercise caution and discipline, set down rules and live by them.
Capricorn is the sign with the driest wit. Here’s where your sense of propriety and tradition
will be strong, where doing things the old-fashioned way and paying respect to the elders will
be the only way to go. They want a return for the time they invest and don’t mind proving how
valuable they are.
The Moon’s Influence:
The Moon is at her most organized, practical, and businesslike in Capricorn. Here, she brings
out the dutiful, cautious, and pessimistic side in all of us. We prefer to work rather than play.
Our goals for the future become all-important.
Now is the time to tend to the family business, act responsibly, take charge of something, or
organize any part of our lives that’s become scattered or disrupted. Now, too, is the time to set
down rules and guidelines, to sit patiently, listen, and learn. Watch for the possibility of acting
too businesslike at the expense of others’ emotions.
Aquarius: Masculine, Fixed, Air
This sign, ruled by the planet Uranus, brings us the unpredictable. It’s always ready to shock
and amaze the masses and rebel against what others are doing.
Planets in this sign are into personal freedom like no other. They create their own rules, fight
city hall whenever possible, and deliberately break tradition. They adore change. Abrupt
reversals are their specialty, so others often perceive them as erratic, unstable or unreliable
As changeable as it seems to be, Aquarius is a fixed air sign, so when it commits to a cause or to
an intellectual ideal, it’s really committed. Aquarian planets are often much better at friendship
than love – they value being with like-minded folks.
The Moon’s Influence:
An Aquarius Moon brings out the rebel in all of us. It’s a time when we’re prone to extremes
and abrupt actions – ready to break out of our ruts, to try something different, and to make sure
everyone sees us for the unique individuals we are.
This sign is ruled by Uranus, so personal freedom and individuality are more important than
anything now. Our schedules become topsy-turvy, and our causes become urgent. Watch for a
tendency to become fanatical, act deliberately rebellious without a reason, or break tradition just
for the sake of breaking it.
Pisces: Feminine, Mutable, Water
Mutable Pisces can’t separate itself emotionally from whatever it’s exposed to. While this is the
source of Pisces’ well-deserved reputation for compassion, it’s also the source of your desire to
escape reality.
Planets in this sign feel everything – for better or for worse, so they need time alone to unload
and reassemble themselves. Exposure to others, especially in crowds, is exhausting to your
Pisces planets. Here is where you may have a tendency to take in stray people and animals and
where you’ll need to watch for the possibility of being victimized or taken advantage of in some
Pisces planets see the best in a person or situation, and when reality steps in, they sometimes
can be disappointed. These planets are the romantics of the zodiac. Let them dream in healthy
The Moon’s Influence:
This sign belongs to the planet Neptune, the ruler of altered states of reality. When the Moon
slips into this sign, sleep, meditation, prayer, or other forms of escape are what we crave –
whatever induces a trance-like state that will allow us to escape from the harshness of reality.
She sets out to woo us, to cast a spell upon us, and convince us that everything’s all right.
Now is when we’re most susceptible to emotional assaults of any kind, when we’re feeling
“fuzzy”, dreamy, nostalgic, wistful, or impressionable. Now, too, is when we’re at our most
spiritual, when our boundaries are at their lowest, when we’re more compassionate, intuitive,
and sensitive to those less fortunate. This is the time to attend a spiritual group or religious