Divination: Birth Date Elements
15 April: Birthday of Intellectual Incisiveness
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I found an interesting side bit of information that I thought might be fun for everyone.
It's excerpted from a book called, The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays, by Theresa Cheung.
So here we go, let's see if this sounds anything like the Emma we know (or maybe like you if
today is also your birthday).
The charismatic individuals born on April 15 are sensitive and charming, yet ambitious and
The key to their complex and seemingly contradictory personality is their intellectual
incisiveness which enables them to formulate well-structured strategies in response to almost
any challenge.
The powerful intellect they are blessed with can make them extraordinarily sensitive to what is
going on around them. Sometimes they can take their skills of observation to the extreme; this
can become a source of friction with loved ones, who want to be seen for who they actually are,
not for what they could be.
It can also contribute to feelings of anxiety and insecurity, as people born on this may hear or
observe something out of context and draw the incorrect conclusions.
Their passion for detailed observation and analysis may make them take themselves and
everyone else a little too seriously, so they forget the importance of relaxing and simply having
On the plus side, and it's a big plus, their acute intellect and powers of observation enable them
to detect a vital piece of information or the missing link needed to remedy or explain a situation.
The compassionate, wise side of their nature also means that others often turn to them for
support, encouragement and advice.
Their ability to see life in broad rather than specific terms may be regarded by others as
unrealistic or impossible and it may be that the world is not yet ready for their sweeping and
imaginative ideas.
Until the age of thirty-five the emphasis in their life is on practical considerations, but after the
age of thirty-six they are likely to place more significance on knowledge, communication and
mental exploration, and these are the years when people born on this day really come into their
These people long to make their mark on the world and, if they can learn to channel their rare
combination of great imagination, brilliant organization and tenacity into a direction that others
find acceptable, they have the potential to be truly inspirational.
People are often drawn to those born on April 15 because they are powerful and dependable,
yet when they fall in love there is a tendency for them to give too much of their power away,
and to become needy and possessive.
It is important for them to make sure they keep their relationships on an equal footing and to
learn to love others for who they are, and not for what they want them to be.
People born on this day are keen observers of the human condition and are therefore likely to
know a great deal about health. The trouble is they don't always practice what they preach and
need to be careful that they don't take their health for granted.
They should avoid any kind of extreme diet or going for long periods without food, as this will
unsettle their metabolism and set them up for weight problems.
They should also give themselves plenty of time to relax and unwind, and the best way for them
to do this is to have more fun. In fact, laughter is the best medicine for these people.
Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color orange will increase feelings
of warmth, physical enjoyment and security.
These people tend to be multi-talented and so it is likely they will have several career changes
in their life.
Many things inspire them but they have a gift for working with their hands, especially when
they can be creative as beauticians, gardeners, chefs, artists, decorators, designers, and caterers.
Being broad-minded and philosophical, they may also be drawn to careers in teaching, law or
research, but whatever field they enter they will want to pioneer new projects.
The life path of people born on this day is to learn to take themselves a little less seriously.
Once they have learned to be more relaxed, their destiny is to find ways for their talents to be
admired by more conventional types.